Money Is Indifferent

Is it not madness and the wildest lunacy to desire so much when you can hold so
little? … [it is folly] to think that it is the amount of money and not the state of
mind that matters! (Seneca, Consolation to Helvia)

For my part, I would choose sickness rather than luxury, for sickness harms only the body, but luxury destroys both body and soul. Luxury induces weakness in the body, cowardice and lack of self-control in the soul; and further it begets injustice and covetousness in others, and in self the failure in one’s duty to friends, city and the gods. … So, then, as being the cause of injustice, luxury and extravagance must be shunned in every way. (Musonius Rufus, Lecture XVIIIb)

Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants. Epictetus

“Get money, then,” says some friend, ” in order that we too may
have it.” If I can get money and at the same time
keep myself self-respecting, and faithful, and highminded, show me the way and 1 will get it. But if you require me to lose the good things that belong to me, in order that you may acquire the things that are not good, you can see for yourselves how unfair and inconsiderate you are. And which
do you really prefer? Money, or a faithful and self-respecting friend? Help me, therefore, rather to this end, and do not require me to do those things which will make me lose these qualities. The Encheiridion of Epictetus